• Lamb,  Recipes

    Shepherds pie

    In the Adelaide hills, where rolling hills meet vast expanses of farmland, access to locally sourced lamb and hogget is abundant. These pastoral landscapes provide the perfect environment for raising these animals, resulting in meat of exceptional quality and flavor. It’s amidst this backdrop that classic dishes like Shepherds Pie thrive. With its rich, savory filling and creamy mashed potato topping, Shepherds Pie embodies the essence of comfort food. As farm-to-table practices continue to flourish, these timeless recipes serve as a delicious testament to the enduring connection between land, livestock, and culinary tradition. Ingredients: For the mashed potatoes: For the meat filling: Instructions: If you’re looking to explore more savory…

  • Pasta,  Recipes,  Uncategorized

    Pasta Lemon / Pasta al limone

    Pasta Lemon, or Pasta al limone, effortlessly transforms into a sophisticated dish despite its simple preparation. This dish holds a special place as one of my daughter’s favorite pasta creations and is a top recommendation for those aiming to impress within a short 15-20 minute cooking window. The magic lies in its straightforward yet utterly delicious composition—a testament to the idea that culinary elegance can often be found in simplicity. Ingredients: Instructions: If you liked this recipe check out some of our other recipes here. Maybe you would like to read some of our building updates if so head here.

  • Pasta

    Homemade Pasta

    If you’ve yet to experience the delight of homemade pasta, you’re truly missing out. Its exquisite chewiness and substantial texture surpass that of store-bought dried pasta. In our household, it’s a cherished addition to any homemade sauce and undeniably ranks among our family favorites. We make it a collective affair, involving all the kids in the process, whether it’s hand-rolling or utilizing my trusty pasta roller. Mastering the recipe opens the door to a world of culinary possibilities. This versatile pasta pairs seamlessly with an array of sauces, from the rich layers of a lasagna to the freshness of Pasta al Limone (Lemon Pasta). Once you’ve perfected the art of crafting…

  • Story of our Lives

    Our homestead Journey.

    The early years Lanky and I (Kezza) first crossed paths at the age of 13, our lives intertwined almost immediately, we became best friends, and later partners, by 18 we had our first child on the way (Anna) and by the time she was 2 we set our minds towards getting ourselves an homestead becoming self sufficient and financially secure. During this time, I gradually transformed our family home into a flourishing food chain. We raised quail and chickens, and I cultivated an abundance of vegetables and fruits. At its peak, our home sustained 80% of our family’s vegetable intake, 20% of our fruit intake, and 10% of our protein…

  • Recipes,  Vegan

    Vegan Curry

    Our family loves the enchanting experience of curry nights—warm spices, comforting flavors—it’s special. Today, I’m sharing our go-to Vegan Curry. Imagine the kitchen alive with coconut-sizzled onions, the aroma of garlic and ginger creating anticipation. As curry powder, cumin, coriander, turmeric, and a hint of cayenne dance, we build a truly delicious foundation—a ritual marking the start of a culinary adventure. Tofu is an option; we opt for chickpeas, diced tomatoes, coconut milk, carrots, and bell peppers, creating a vibrant, satisfying curry. The simmering curry fills the kitchen with an irresistible aroma, drawing everyone with eager anticipation. Seasoning becomes a personal touch, tailoring the dish to our unique taste. Served…

  • Soups, Stews, Stocks

    Zucchini Soup

    As the Australian summer bids farewell, the resilient Zucchini plants continue to yield an abundance of fruit. This simple recipe is the perfect solution for those oversized Zucchinis you might have overlooked during harvest or a chance to utilize the frozen ones tucked away in your freezer, creating a delightful autumn or winter soup. Crafted with simplicity in mind, this Zucchini soup not only boasts ease of preparation but also exudes a lovely homely taste and feel. Its comforting essence makes each spoonful a reminiscent experience of home, making it an ideal choice for a cozy meal during the colder seasons. Pairing this heartwarming soup with freshly baked bread rolls…

  • Chickens

    The Indispensable Role of Chickens.

    Are chickens the secret sauce to a thriving homestead, or are they the unsung heroes of sustainable living? Whether you’re caught up in the mysterious allure of chicken math—skipping a few, counting a few, and then suddenly reaching 99, 100—or not, one thing is for sure: chickens are an invaluable addition to any homestead. These feathered wonders go beyond merely providing us with a steady supply of eggs and meat. They play a crucial role in transforming your homestead into a thriving, self-sufficient haven. Imagine your homestead with chickens expertly turning soil, leaving behind nitrogen-rich manure that acts as hot compost for your garden. Additionally, their voracious appetite for bugs…

  • Building Projects,  To-do List

    To do list.

    One thing I’ve realized is that there’s a multitude of tasks awaiting completion before and during the construction of our new house on our homestead. Here, I’ll outline our comprehensive “to-do list” to ensure everything is accomplished efficiently. Grading Before commencing the construction, it’s imperative to grade the driveway to ensure accessibility for all trucks involved in the project. This driveway runs centrally through the property then veering left towards the designated homesite. Extending approximately 200-300 meters. Slashing Maintaining the council strip is essential, but unfortunately, the council does not tend to the median strip in our area. The strip in front of our property spans approximately 218-220 meters and…