House Build Part 4
We are up to house build part 4 if you would like to read previous updates head here . The waiting game is such a painful game. Funnily enough, you don’t need to play it for that long. This past fortnight felt like months, not weeks. We left the house with gutters on, eagerly anticipating the arrival and installation of the Colour-bond roof the following Friday.

When the roof finally arrived, rain had drenched the property, bogging down the delivery driver. He drove off the driveway, and got stuck trying to get back on, and tore up part of our driveway, which now needs repairs. see stuck truck here.
On the bright side, the delivery was completed. However, we still had to endure over a week of wind and rain before workers moved the Colour-bond roof from the delivery site to its rightful place.
Raise the roof
We arrived onsite last Tuesday to find they had begun installing the roof, by Wednesday majority of the roof was up.

By Friday the roof was on but there still remained some joinery to be installed. Unexpectedly the aircon was also being installed.

It makes sense that they installed the aircon around the same time as the roof. The unit is so large we suspect it had to be lifted in before the section of the roof was installed above it. The installers advised us we can zone each room to run different temperatures simultaneously.
The plumbers have also started their rough plumbing. Basically getting all the plumbing in place for the brick work to begin.
Plans for next week.
on the agenda for next week is
- roof to continue (hopefully finished)
- Plumbers to be on site
- Electricians to be on site
We were told the hope was the brickies would be onsite on Monday. However we think that is possibly being pushed back due to the roofers not finishing on time.