
Homemade Pasta

If you’ve yet to experience the delight of homemade pasta, you’re truly missing out. Its exquisite chewiness and substantial texture surpass that of store-bought dried pasta. In our household, it’s a cherished addition to any homemade sauce and undeniably ranks among our family favorites. We make it a collective affair, involving all the kids in the process, whether it’s hand-rolling or utilizing my trusty pasta roller.

Mastering the recipe opens the door to a world of culinary possibilities. This versatile pasta pairs seamlessly with an array of sauces, from the rich layers of a lasagna to the freshness of Pasta al Limone (Lemon Pasta). Once you’ve perfected the art of crafting your own pasta, it becomes a culinary canvas ready to be adorned with the flavors of your choosing.


  • 250 grams plain flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Create a Mound: On a clean surface or in a large mixing bowl, make a mound with 250 grams of plain flour. Create a well in the center.
  2. Add Eggs: Crack the eggs into the well and add 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
  3. Mix Ingredients: Using a fork or your fingers, gradually incorporate the flour into the eggs. Continue mixing until a dough forms.
  4. Knead the Dough: Once the dough comes together, knead it for about 8-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. You may need to add a bit more flour if the dough is too sticky.
  5. Rest the Dough: Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. This allows the gluten to relax and makes the dough easier to roll out.
  6. Roll Out the Dough: After resting, use a rolling pin to roll out the dough to your desired thickness. You can also use a pasta machine for this step.
  7. Cut the Pasta: Cut the rolled-out dough into your desired shape. For fettuccine or tagliatelle, use a knife or pasta cutter. Alternatively, you can use a pasta machine for cutting.
  8. Cook the Pasta: Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the fresh pasta and cook for 2-4 minutes or until it floats to the surface. Fresh pasta cooks much quicker than dried pasta.
  9. Serve: Once cooked, drain the pasta and serve it with your favorite sauce.
Homemade Pasta rolled out