Egyptian Walking Onions
Setting off on my quest for Egyptian Walking Onions has been a journey brimming with anticipation and excitement. These extraordinary biennial plants, easily managed as perennials due to their simple propagation, possess the fascinating ability to migrate from their original planting spot. This phenomenon occurs as bulbils sprout atop the plant, causing the stem to bend under their weight. Consequently, these bulbils make contact with the soil, take root, and give rise to new plants. The entire process is not only captivating but also renders the plant entirely edible.
Finding a supplier or two
After years of diligent searching, often met with disappointment from items labeled as “unavailable” or “sold out,” my persistence has finally paid off. In the past fortnight, I chanced upon two online sources offering Egyptian Walking Onions for sale—one providing bulbils and the other offering bulbs complete with leaves and roots.
Keen to explore the potential of both options, I opted for a dual investment. The bulbils, procured from eBay at a reasonable AU $15.85 (inclusive of postage), arrived first. My excitement was slightly tempered upon their arrival as they appeared non-sprouted and slightly darker than expected. Nevertheless, the modest investment provided reassurance that any potential setbacks wouldn’t be overly detrimental.

The second order, consisting of bottom bulbs with roots and green tops, set me back AU $9.99 for 5 bulbs, with an additional AU $14.00 for express post. Taking advantage of a fixed postage rate, I added an extra plant to the order, laying the groundwork for potential future endeavors. This cautious approach, involving a trial order before committing to larger quantities, is a habit I’ve developed over time.

With eager anticipation for the arrival of these botanical treasures, I’m hoping for a successful outcome. This venture into the intriguing world of these onions marks the start of what I anticipate will be a rewarding gardening adventure.
I got the bulbs from here. please be aware that i have no affiliation with the website.