
No Dairy, No Eggs, No Meat, No Animal derived products.

  • Recipes,  Vegan

    Vegan Curry

    Our family loves the enchanting experience of curry nights—warm spices, comforting flavors—it’s special. Today, I’m sharing our go-to Vegan Curry. Imagine the kitchen alive with coconut-sizzled onions, the aroma of garlic and ginger creating anticipation. As curry powder, cumin, coriander, turmeric, and a hint of cayenne dance, we build a truly delicious foundation—a ritual marking the start of a culinary adventure. Tofu is an option; we opt for chickpeas, diced tomatoes, coconut milk, carrots, and bell peppers, creating a vibrant, satisfying curry. The simmering curry fills the kitchen with an irresistible aroma, drawing everyone with eager anticipation. Seasoning becomes a personal touch, tailoring the dish to our unique taste. Served…