Building Projects

you can find all the building projects for the homestead here

  • Building Projects,  Fencing

    Fencing Part 2

    Keep bovine out of Building zone In early April, we began planning to erect the first line of fencing in preparation for locking up the cattle once the house build commences. Initially, we contemplated hiring someone else for the task. However, considering the rough plans indicated approximately 2 kilometers of fencing, we opted to tackle the project ourselves. Fortunately, we were fortunate to have a knowledgeable friend experienced in fencing who generously offered to assist us. We determined that securing the front paddock would be the priority since the trough had recently been relocated there, and it was requiring fencing on only one side. Making some adjustments to our initial…

  • Building Projects,  House Build

    Colours, fixtures and fittings.

    Embarking on a journey to decorate or design your space can be an exciting endeavor. For some, like myself, it can also be a daunting task. I’ll be the first to admit that when it comes to making cosmetic decisions I often find myself second-guessing and feeling a tad overwhelmed by the plethora of choices. It’s not just me Lanky shares a similar sentiment, albeit for different reasons. While I grapple with indecision, Lanky struggles with visualizing how various colours and designs would complement the room. So you can imagine how intimidating it felt when we were told we had to pick colours. Outside before inside. Before we submitted the…

  • Building Projects,  Fencing

    Fencing Part 1

    It’s time to prioritize fencing to secure the cows during the house build. Over the past few months, I’ve been brainstorming various paddock layout ideas. The photo below depicts the current plan, although it’s subject to change once we’re on the property. Fencing and paddock layout are crucial for several reasons: Animal Welfare and Pasture Management: Well-designed paddocks provide adequate space, shelter, and access to food and water, ensuring livestock welfare and reducing stress. Additionally, effective paddock design enables rotational grazing, essential for maintaining healthy pastures, preventing overgrazing, and enhancing soil health. Maximizing Productivity and Environmental Sustainability: Proper paddock design boosts livestock productivity by providing quality forage, space for exercise,…

  • Building Projects,  House Build

    Trenching, Plumbing and Power. Part 1

    We purchased a tractor primarily for trenching work related to power and water systems. This investment not only saved us approximately $15,000 on plumbing and electrical expenses but also aids in other tasks around the property, you can see some of the tasks on our to-do list. All of the tasks help justify the investment in the tractor and its attachments. Dealing with Leaks This post is about the third task on our “to-do” list, which involves trenching for plumbing and electrical needs. Initially, we planned to start trenching around late March or early April. However, a $600 water bill and a neighbor’s call about a leak in the plumbing…

  • Building Projects,  House Build

    House Build part 1

    Embarking on our journey to build our dream home has been a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with anticipation and cautious optimism. We secured our land, introduced cows to our newfound haven, but the daunting task of construction loomed ahead. The construction industry’s tales of turmoil and financial meltdowns haunted our thoughts. News of building companies crumbling and independent builders succumbing to bankruptcy cast shadows over the dreams of homeowners left stranded without shelter or funds to complete their projects. As we delved into the world of construction, our nerves reached new heights. In the enchanting landscape of the Adelaide Hills, we sought refuge in GJ Gardener. Their reputable history and…

  • Building Projects,  To-do List

    To do list.

    One thing I’ve realized is that there’s a multitude of tasks awaiting completion before and during the construction of our new house on our homestead. Here, I’ll outline our comprehensive “to-do list” to ensure everything is accomplished efficiently. Grading Before commencing the construction, it’s imperative to grade the driveway to ensure accessibility for all trucks involved in the project. This driveway runs centrally through the property then veering left towards the designated homesite. Extending approximately 200-300 meters. Slashing Maintaining the council strip is essential, but unfortunately, the council does not tend to the median strip in our area. The strip in front of our property spans approximately 218-220 meters and…