
  • Building Projects,  Fencing

    Fencing Part 2

    Keep bovine out of Building zone In early April, we began planning to erect the first line of fencing in preparation for locking up the cattle once the house build commences. Initially, we contemplated hiring someone else for the task. However, considering the rough plans indicated approximately 2 kilometers of fencing, we opted to tackle the project ourselves. Fortunately, we were fortunate to have a knowledgeable friend experienced in fencing who generously offered to assist us. We determined that securing the front paddock would be the priority since the trough had recently been relocated there, and it was requiring fencing on only one side. Making some adjustments to our initial…

  • Building Projects,  Fencing

    Fencing Part 1

    It’s time to prioritize fencing to secure the cows during the house build. Over the past few months, I’ve been brainstorming various paddock layout ideas. The photo below depicts the current plan, although it’s subject to change once we’re on the property. Fencing and paddock layout are crucial for several reasons: Animal Welfare and Pasture Management: Well-designed paddocks provide adequate space, shelter, and access to food and water, ensuring livestock welfare and reducing stress. Additionally, effective paddock design enables rotational grazing, essential for maintaining healthy pastures, preventing overgrazing, and enhancing soil health. Maximizing Productivity and Environmental Sustainability: Proper paddock design boosts livestock productivity by providing quality forage, space for exercise,…