• Deserts,  Recipes

    Honey Ice-cream

    Honey Ice-cream is a sweet soft ice-cream, I love making French vanilla ice-cream and when we got the bees I was excitedly brainstorming different recipes i could incorporate honey into.so i decided to try my hand at honey ice-cream, now it took some trial an error because honey is sweet and ice-cream has a lot of sugar, i also noticed the Honey ice-cream didn’t set as hard as the sugar based ice-creams. in the end i opted to leave out sugars, and just make mental note not to leave the ice-cream on the bench to soften when serving. Ingredients Instructions 1. Heat the Cream and Milk: 2. Whisk Egg Yolks:…

  • Livestock,  Sheep

    Sheep From Flock to Farewell:

    Sheep and I have never been the best of friends. Back in my seventh-grade agriculture lessons, I learned some of the ins and outs of caring for these woolly creatures. From shearing and tail docking to keeping them alive (which proved trickier than you’d think), fending off predators, and shooing away flies – the list of responsibilities seemed endless. Disappointment in the Hills. When we relocated to “The Hill,” my disappointment peaked upon discovering that our neighbors were predominantly sheep farmers. While there were a few goat, donkey, and cattle enthusiasts in our paradise, sheep dominated the landscape. When the time came for us to dip our toes into livestock…

  • Deserts,  Recipes

    Lemon Meringue Pie

    Lemon meringue pie holds a revered place in the realm of desserts, known for its intricate yet rewarding nature. Mastering this classic confection not only brings culinary satisfaction but also serves as a testament to one’s culinary prowess. Fond memories often accompany the creation of this beloved treat, evoking nostalgia for cherished moments spent with loved ones. With its harmonious blend of sweet and tangy flavors, lemon meringue pie tantalizes the taste buds and leaves a lasting impression. Ingredients: crust: filling: meringue: Instructions: Crust: Filling: Meringue: Assembly: remember to store in the fridge. If you would like to see other recipes head here.

  • Pasta,  Recipes

    Yabby Ravioli Sauce

    Yabby ravioli sauce is the third part to the recipe part one is pasta (here) part two is filling and assembling (here) this recipe is for the finishing sauce, and is a lovely addition to the ravioli pillows allowing you to soak up the creamy sauce with the tender yabby tail filled ravioli pillows. we enjoy this sauce thin but you can thicken it if you desire and change herbs to suit those available to you it goes well with sage or thyme but we have made it with rosemary and parsley. Ingredients 1 tablespoon unsalted butter1 shallot thinly sliced (35g)¾ cup dry white wine (180mL)½ cup heavy whipping cream (120mL)1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh sage or thyme½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon ground black pepper Instructions

  • Pasta,  Recipes

    Yabby Ravioli

    Yabby ravioli is a 3 part recipe, the pasta dough (here) , the filling and assembling of the ravioli and finally the finishing sauce (here) This is the filling and assembling of your ravioli pillows, I threw this recipe together when I was experimenting with different ways to cook Yabby, from my understanding Yabbies’ are similar to Crawfish.the common way of cooking Yabby is just chucking it on some coals of a fire and dunking it in a bit of butter if you feel inclined, or boiling it like a prawn. so for this recipe I took the view of cooking it like a lobster pasta dish. when i first…

  • Gardens

    Egyptian Walking Onions

    Setting off on my quest for Egyptian Walking Onions has been a journey brimming with anticipation and excitement. These extraordinary biennial plants, easily managed as perennials due to their simple propagation, possess the fascinating ability to migrate from their original planting spot. This phenomenon occurs as bulbils sprout atop the plant, causing the stem to bend under their weight. Consequently, these bulbils make contact with the soil, take root, and give rise to new plants. The entire process is not only captivating but also renders the plant entirely edible. Finding a supplier or two After years of diligent searching, often met with disappointment from items labeled as “unavailable” or “sold…

  • Gardens

    Gardening feeds the soul

    For me, gardening is more than a hobby—it’s a way of life, nurturing both the soul and the family. The anticipation of a change in season or the opportunity to sow new seeds and cuttings fills me with excitement. As autumn unfolds in Australia, it’s the perfect time to kickstart the growth of winter seeds. In the beginning: Navigating the unique growing patterns of South Australia and continually enhancing the soil of our rental has been a learning process for me. To mitigate potential setbacks, I’ve been planting an abundance of seeds, hedging my bets against a higher failure rate compared to my experiences in NSW. In the initial year…

  • Cattle,  Livestock

    Our first Cattle

    Our journey into the world of cattle began on the humble grounds of our rental property, before the dream of our own acreage turned to reality. When we inked the lease, the owner granted us the freedom to introduce a handful of livestock. Yet, a caveat lingered in the air—a neighbor was entrusted with the land for his sheep, for the first year however the owner said he is happy for us to share or wait till the year was up and take over the full management of the land. Passing of time and new arrivals A year passed, spent observing cautiously as we hesitated to disturb the neighbors’ flock.…

  • Building Projects,  House Build

    House Build part 1

    Embarking on our journey to build our dream home has been a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with anticipation and cautious optimism. We secured our land, introduced cows to our newfound haven, but the daunting task of construction loomed ahead. The construction industry’s tales of turmoil and financial meltdowns haunted our thoughts. News of building companies crumbling and independent builders succumbing to bankruptcy cast shadows over the dreams of homeowners left stranded without shelter or funds to complete their projects. As we delved into the world of construction, our nerves reached new heights. In the enchanting landscape of the Adelaide Hills, we sought refuge in GJ Gardener. Their reputable history and…

  • Chickens,  Livestock

    Incubating Chicken Eggs

    Every homestead needs chickens, but what to do if you don’t have a local source, or maybe you want a harder to acquire breed. this is where incubating can come in handy. Incubating chicken eggs is a delicate process that requires careful attention to temperature, humidity, and turning of the eggs. Here’s a general guide on incubating chicken eggs: How to Issues To minimize these issues when incubating chicken eggs, it’s essential to carefully monitor and maintain incubation conditions, handle eggs with care, and address any problems promptly. Additionally, selecting high-quality eggs from healthy breeding stock can improve hatch rates and the overall health of the chicks. If you would…